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   Rate Shop Parcel Carriers & Rate Shop LTL Carriers

Rate Shop Your Parcel Carriers

Rate Shop 70+ Freight Carriers

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OnShip offers you another way to save money on your parcel & freight shipments. Everyone has heard of Rate Shopping, right?


Why is it that so few shippers use it? It's because most shipping software isn't doing it correctly.


OnShip always includes access to your DHL eCommerce, FedEx, UPS, and USPS carrier rates and we can even include your regional carrier in OnShip's rate shopping mix. Then, OnShip quickly searches for the best rate based on the required delivery date and shows all of the results, exactly the way you want to see them.

OnShip also does the same thing for inbound, outbound, and drop-ship LTL freight shipments using OnShip's national freight rate discounts across more than 70 name brand, reliable LTL freight carriers.


Rate Shopping your ground shipments? OnShip looks only at your ground rate shopping group.


Rate Shopping overnight services? OnShip looks only at your overnight services and includes your carrier's ground services if ground service will get your shipment there on time.


Businesses waste millions of dollars choosing overnight air services when much lower cost ground services will get your parcel there on the same day as costly overnight air service. 


Did you know those expensive overnight shipments go on the carriers' ground trucks to one-day delivery destinations?

When you need to have all parcels and LTL freight pallets delivered at the best rate on the right date, OnShip is your answer. OnShip automatically shops for the best rate, using your business shipping rules to quickly select the service that will deliver your shipment to your customer on the correct date at the lowest price.

OnShip Rate Shopping.
We get the job done right!

Ship With Any of These Carriers?

Ship USPS with OnShip
DHL eCommerce.jpg
Ship UPS with OnShip
Ship FedEx with OnShip
Ship LTL with OnShip

Lower Your Shipping Costs!


Shipping Software...Reimagined!

Copyright 2025

Call Us: 888.442.2089

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